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This code defines a TikZ picture in LaTeX, which is used for creating vector graphics programmatically within a LaTeX document. Here is a high-level description of its function: - It begins by defining several commands to draw specific components: a piece (`\drawPiece`), a line to a valve (`\drawLineToValve`), an open valve (`\drawOpenValve`), a closed valve (`\drawClosedValve`), a tank (`\drawTank`), and a tank with a name (`\drawTankWName`). - The `\drawSwitchArm` command is defined to draw the positions of two hoists at different stations. It uses conditional statements to decide the positions of the hoists based on the argument it receives. There are four defined cases corresponding to four possible configurations of the hoists' positions. - Lastly, a loop (`\foreach`) is used to repeatedly draw sequences of tanks and hoists' positions, where the y-coordinate shift and corresponding hoist action is specified for each iteration. These sequences represent a set of stations with specific hoist configurations at different stages of an action sequence. Each stage of the sequence corresponds to a different configuration of the hoist positions.