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Theoretical study of boundary value problems for stationary and non-stationary Navier-Stokes equations began with the famous work of the French mathematician J.Leray. Many mathematical problems of the theory of the Navier-Stokes equations of a homogeneous liquid has wrote and resolved in the book of Ladyzhenskaya [1]. Important problems of the theory of the Navier-Stokes equations of an inhomogeneous liquid written in the monograph S.N.Antontsev, A.V.Kazhihov, V.N.Monahov [2]. This work is dedicated to the Stokes equation inhomogeneous viscous incompressible fluid, which has important applications in the simulation of the evolution of salt structures in the earth's crust, and a number of other problems of geophysics and oil exploration. Let’s consider the Stokes equation in the bounded region